Once you’ve written, optimised and published your blog post, you want as many people to read it, or consume the information in some other way. Here are seven ideas for reusing your blog posts to share the content as widely as possible.

What to do with Old Blog Posts

Share on Social Media

The first thing to do is add a Tweetable or two. These are short sections of text you emphasise and ask people to share on your behalf on Twitter (now X).

All they have to do is click the button to tweet it from their own account. Choose an interesting statistic, quote or helpful tip and quickly create a Tweetable with a free plug-in.

Use Graphics

Pull out three or four tips, key points or create shorter versions of the best information and make these into graphics using something like Canva.

These can be done in your brand colours or featuring an appropriate image with the text overlaid. Create one for each social media platform you use.

Include a link to the full post or give information on how they can find the blog. Don’t forget to put your website at the bottom of the image.

Create a Checklist

Take a post where you’ve explained a process or given how-to advice and turn it into a checklist. Make a PDF version and offer it as a free download on your website.

Or use it as a lead magnet people receive in exchange for giving you their email address.

Make a Slideshow From a Blog Post

Turn some of the graphics into slides, or create a new presentation with the key points, and upload it to LinkedIn or use another slide-sharing site.

You don’t need to have a lot of slides, so if you’ve got a long post, create three or four sets. Create a frontispiece slide and put your contact details on the final slide.

Create a Video

Use the post as a basis for a video. Record yourself talking about some of the main points, perhaps with someone else if you’re comfortable with that.

Upload it to YouTube (setting up a channel is quick and free) and embed it onto your website – this takes up less space.

You can then share the link wherever you like, or upload it directly (natively) to each social media platform you use, which is what the platforms prefer.
Make an Audio Recording

Record yourself reading the blog. Use SoundCloud or similar to host it. Embed on your website, or use it as a podcast.

Compile Multiple Blog Posts into an eBook

f you have a number of blogs on a related topic, combine them into a book. You’ll need to write an introduction and conclusion, and add some extra details.

Make sure it all flows coherently, but the bulk of the content as a lead magnet, or list it on Amazon or other eBook retailer.

Want some help with your blogs? Struggle with consistency or coming up with ideas? Then the Content Campground programme is for you!